Congrats! You're In
You are now signed up for Writing as A Pathway to Pleasure on Sunday, February 23rd at 4:00 PM -5:30 PM PT | 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM ET
- Go ahead and mark your calendar!
- U.S. participants please fill out this form to receive your copy of Pure Flesh by Catherine Gray after it is released on Feb. 25, 2025. *Proud Flesh is currently only available for participants in the U.S. – however the workshop is open to participants worldwide and we will donate a copy of the book Proud Flesh to our non-profit partner Springboard to Opportunities on your behalf.
- Check your inbox to make sure you got my confirmation email which will include a link for the class
- Add me to your contacts so that you receive my class reminders ki******@ki****************.com
Have Courage,
Xx Kimberly
P.S. If you don’t receive the email in 10-15 minutes, please contact me.