Never Land/Sever Land with Stephen Jenkinson Starts October 20th. Learn More Here.

EP4: Kristin Hauser on Conscious Birthing, Postpartum Recovery and Chinese Medicine

In this Magamama episode, we talk to Kristen Hauser about the choices she made in her recent birth experience and why she trusted her instinct to choose this route; how it truly takes a village and how important the healing experience is. We also discuss Chinese medicine and postpartum care. She also shares her own unexpected difficulty with breastfeeding after an ecstatic birth experience.

Kristin is a Licensed Acupuncturist, herbalist, birth doula, sex educator and yoga teacher. She offers holistic healthcare and mentoring for women at various stages of life to understand and partner with their fertility cycle, improve their hormonal health and own their unique, intuitive expression. She is passionate about guiding women through the transformational period surrounding childbirth and supporting women to revive the sacred connection between the heart and the womb.

Kristin Hauser is devoted to helping women awaken to their inner resources, embodied wisdom and creative potential. Weaving ancient wisdom and modern understanding, she helps women address physical health challenges, while integrating deeper layers for spiritual growth and emotional well-being.

Her work is inspired by years of self-inquiry, rigorous study and practice. She has traversed many common women’s health challenges and traveled to various corners of the world as an avid seeker of new ways of being wild, embodied and wise. Kristin believes that together we can shift the paradigm around women’s health care, feminine sexuality and empowered expression.

In this episode Kristin shares:

  • About how the fertilized egg was influenced by experiences and nutrition prior to conception primarily in the three months leading up to it, and why conscious conception is important
  • Birthing out of the medical model
  • She shares her personal birth experience
  • How Chinese medicine views birth
  • Hiring a Doula postpartum

What you’ll hear:

  • Conscious conception – (2:30)
  • Trusting your own decisions – Midwives, Doulas, Western Medicine and personal preference (7:30)
  • Kristen shares her personal birth experience – (12:00)
  • Feelings and transitions after labor (24:00)
  • Life force energy and Chi (29:00)
  • Recovering jing and chi in Chinese medicine (35:00)
  • Opportunity to reset and rebuild and creating something new in your constitution (38:00)
  • The first 40 days postpartum (40:00)
  • You can never have enough support (52:00)
  • The breastfeeding journey (56:00)
  • Compassionate decisions for you, family and baby (1:00.00)


Find Kristin here:


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Instagram @kristinhauser