Guided Pelvic Floor Mapping

This diagram is the pelvic floor of a person with a vulva—they are lying down.
We have two audios here for you- start with the guided pelvic floor mapping, and once you are familiar with the territory and landmarks, you can use the short and sweet version, which has less anatomical instruction.
Additionally, you can watch this video of Kimberly pelvic floor walkabout from her Instagram page. Enjoy.
Welcome to the community!
I am so excited that you are here. This community is part of a big vision. I believe that when we take care of ourselves and each other as mothers, we are healing partnerships, families, and our planet.
Thank you for being a part of this necessary restoration. You’ve probably noticed there is a whole lot of information out there on how to give birth, but not much at all about the process of becoming a mother. Many women feel disilluded and stranded, and it doesn’t have to be that way.
My own experience of healing myself after a debilitating tear during birth that left me unable to walk for months, with fecal incontinence (gross), and lower back and sacral pain has made me extremely passionate about creating a world where women are well taken care of and not forgotten after childbirth.
Instead of a full pelvic floor reconstruction, I healed myself holistically—through pelvic floor physical therapy, Sexological Bodywork, movement, and Somatic Experiencing. As a long time yoga teacher and bodyworker, I decided to train in Sexological Bodywork and Somatic Experiencing, so that I could help women have an easier road to recovery than I did. I have a private practice in Encinitas, CA. I offer internal pelvic floor work to help women prepare or recover from childbirth, as well as working somatically with sexual abuse and sexual curiosities. I also run courses on working with your own nervous system to live a more congruent life, and sexuality.
You can start your healing now with the audios above.
If you have ever wondered if you should do a Kegel, or what one even is, I demystify it in the audios. (hint: A Kegel is only half of the necessary action for great function in your pelvic floor.) This also gives you all the basic anatomy to understand how to engage your pelvic floor muscles that keep your organs in place! This is important for ALL women, but especially for new moms.
Thanks so much for being here. I know how hard it is to make any time for yourself as a mom. The rewards to attending to yourself are great. I am honored to be a part of this journey with you.
Have courage!
P.S. If you suspect or feel that you have a birth injury or trauma, and you need more support than guidance through these exercises, seek out a pelvic floor PT or a Sexological Bodyworker in your area. Pelvic floor health is an emerging and important field.
No one knew what a doula was ten years ago, and now everyone knows it’s a good idea to have one. That is how pelvic health care is. In ten years (I hope!) all women will realize that it is critical to their health and wellbeing.