A Year of Jaguar
A Year long Journey through THE ACTIVATE YOUR INNER JAGUAR MATERIAL and beyond
February- December 2022
*limited to 50 women
Applications due by Monday, January 24th to qualify for Earlybird pricing
This is a way of drawing the circle closer.
To create tighter knit actual bonds.
To remember that likes on posts, and reading other people’s stuff is one thing.
Being together in real time, sitting in circle, apprenticing the gods, goddesses and nature- this is the beginning of *real* community – the kind that you could call on when you need it.
This is the continuation of the apprenticeship to the cultivation of elderhood.
Imagine spending an entire year immersed in Jaguar energy
Dear Jaguar,
When I thought about this year, what I wanted for myself was to get to know more women in this community.
Last year, with the Call of the Wild book launch party where people came from all over the country, and the end of the year retreat at Ghost Ranch, I was blown away by the quality and depth and radness of the women in this community.
We laughed and cried and hugged and just got each other- women of all ages and backgrounds and interests but with the common vision of creating a more equitable and just world for ourselves and for our children, committed to compassionate ferocity.
Community is something that needs to be earned and made. Four years into teaching Jaguar, about 3000 women later, I want to deepen and tighten the strands of the webs that connect us.
What better way that to spend the whole year together.
I have so much that I want to offer that feels edgy and sometimes not even possible in the bigger group classes (I mean even in those, I get pretty personal) but I have deeper imaginings of spaces I want to explore and create together.
Groups of Jaguars are referred to as jamborees, shadows or prowls.
For now, I want our prowl to be formidable.
This group will have access to what is going on behind-the-scenes at Jaguar headquarters, the community projects we are spearheading.
This is a chance to move together the grief, the frustration, the helplessness, and move together in a direction that we define together. It’s a new kind of leadership where there is a commitment to dual nurturing.
Can you imagine what might happen if you devoted yourself to Jaguar material for a year? Not obsessively. Not relentlessly. Not more discipline or willpower.
Just showing up. Listening to your body. Carried by the energy of the Jaguar prowl.
Just a slow, smoldering burn with other Jaguars walking in a similar direction. Working towards some collective tangible goals (a lá fundraising and community projects)
This is not a membership. This isn’t group coaching.
This is a walkabout in the dark. This is culture work. This is community building. This is leadership formation.
Have Courage,
Deepen into one thing, one energy, one pattern
What happens when we have time and space to be together?
What is the new skin, when it is grown within the Jaguar field?
I want to strengthen the power of this community with ways to be together both in-person but also in more intimate online spaces.
I want to reinforce the threads of the net, and create more and more layers of netting.
A Year of Jaguar Includes:
○ Access to all Jaguar courses offered in 2022
○ Monthly Prowl Encounters for Year of Jaguar community
○ One-on-one private virtual session with Kimberly
○ Behind-the-Scenes + stakeholding in community projects and initiatives
○ Lifetime access to Jaguar Essentials
○ Priority list for apprenticeship and in-person retreats
**Year of Jaguar does not include access to MotherCircle or MotherCircle Training
Monthly Prowl Encounters may include:
- bringing back a podcast guest for a private Q & A
- community initiatives
- a yoga/movement class with me or one of my favorite teachers.
- A movie screening with the directors present
- A workshop with an elder
- Session work
- Podcast Forums
- Ask-me-anything’s with Kimberly
The women who have been doing Jaguar work for years are POWERFUL, wise, deep mothers and healers.
A Year of Jaguar Courses:
This class is for you if:
- You are worn out piecing together tools and healing from online learning and different teachers
- You understand the value of repetition and deepening, rather than continually experimenting at the buffet
- You realize that there are many excellent guides and teachers and therapists and you also realize that there is value in diving deep with one person to really feel, perceive and absorb the teachings verbally and non-verbally
- You benefitted from the Jaguar work but had to stop because life was too full or your system was overly saturated and you know this is the work you need
- You get that group work is necessary at this point in history, that healing in a group and all that that goes with is part of the process
- You are interested in apprenticeship and elderhood
You may be one or many of these things:
- Mother
- Woman
- Somatic practitioner
- Artist
- Community organizer
- A firebrand
- The black sheep of your family; an outlier
- Restless to feel like what some collective traction might feel like
- Passionate about caring for new mothers, babies, families and Mother Earth
The prowl is for people with vulvas who identify as women, the community that I am most equipped to serve.
“I want to live in a world where every single woman is able to tap into her power, transmute her trauma, and live a life of dynamic vital connection with the people around her. A life where love is far more important than labels. Where wildness reigns, and you move moment to moment with the wisdom, grace and strength inherent in your every cell. I want your body to be your partner in pleasure, not an enemy you’re barely on speaking terms with.“
-Kimberly Ann Johnson
Call of The Wild: How We Heal Our Trauma, Awaken Our Power and Use it For Good
Kimberly Ann Johnson
Kimberly Ann Johnson is a Sexological Bodyworker, Somatic Experiencing trauma resolution practitioner, postpartum advocate, birth doula, retired yoga teacher and single mom to a 14 year old Brazilian daughter, Cecília.
She is the bestselling author of Call of the Wild: How We Heal Trauma, Awaken Our Own Power, and Use it for Good and early mothering classic The Fourth Trimester: Healing Your Body, Balancing Your Emotions and Restoring Your Vitality published in seven languages around the world.
A sought after practitioner and lead authority in postpartum health, Johnson has been working hands-on in integrative women’s health and trauma recovery for more than a decade.
Her work has been featured in The New York Times, Forbes, Vogue, New York Magazine’s The Cut, Harper’s Bazaar, Today.com and many more. She is the host of the Sex, Birth and Trauma podcast with over 750k unique downloads.
The first Monday of each month at 12noon PT.
No. We do however ask that you go through the Jaguar essentials self-paced course (included in the Year of Jaguar) during the month of February so that you’ll have that foundation when the March Jaguar begins.
We will record the classes so you can watch the replays if you can’t attend live. We do encourage you to attend live when your schedule allows.
No. This is a 11 month group experience starting February 2022- December 2022. As such, when you sign up you are committing to the full experience and there will be no refunds or cancellations.
I have no idea if I will do this again, because I am listening deeply to what is needed now and where I am needed. Wildness means deep listening and discernment and moving in the direction of impulse and aliveness. This is alive for me now.
Imagine what your life will look like one year from now.
We are stronger together.
2022 may or may not be a turning point.
We really won’t know ’til afterwards when meaning comes more clearly into purview.
But we do know that perhaps more than ever, this year + every year, we could use more: