Jaguar:Wholeness in Fractured Times

A Real World Understanding of the Nervous System and Feminine Sexuality

This crisis has continued far longer than any of us anticipated. 

We may not even agree on what that crisis is. 

What we probably can agree on is that things are coming apart at the seams in ways that none of us expected, and most of us don’t have much practice in tending to. 

It seems that the center cannot and will not hold. 

How will we reach hands across the divides as the fissures widen?

Virgin means wholeness- a woman who is whole unto herself. Complete.


 Virgin is perhaps as much a starting point, an untouched place as it is an earned achievement. 


In the midst of tearing and torn seams, we would do well to turn to our connections to the Earth and to Spirit, to the practices of fortification and restoration inside the cave, to the practice of tending to our wholeness. 




Where do you get your strength from when it seems like you can’t go any farther?

From a deeper reservoir of life force that is infinite.

Feminine sexuality has always been a conduit for that infinite exchange between Earth and Source.

Are you shut down to the juicy, delightful parts of yourself?

 ✨ Do you feel that nothing you do is enough?

✨ Is the thought of having to do anything else at all right now overwhelming and maybe even disgusting?

No one of us can solve any of the problems at hand alone.

Even if we do our part, and more, it will never be enough.

We need to work together to amplify our power.

We need community and leadership.

We need to become more and more known to ourselves and the truest expression of ourselves that is also life generating.

Trading pleasure for righteousness will only go so far.

We will get sick, desperate, and worn down.

WE ARE THE ONES who need to be the steady drum beat of sober awareness.

Sexuality is the most elemental piece of our aliveness, and the world needs us to be awake and aware.

External safety measures can never substitute a felt sense of internal safety.

No matter how long the pandemic lasts, or what’s to come next, you can remain a steady force for good if you can be a mostly accurate translator of your body’s signals.


We have one body and one nervous system.

That precious body needs our tending so that whatever is being stirred to the surface has a home. 

Without a landing place in the body, we can never fully heal. We will be stuck in past habits and patterns keeping us from deepening relationships and more compassionate ferocity. 

Our animal body needs tending to more than ever- we might even say that the only way we landed in this cluster is from generations and generations of following mental and intellectual goals and not heeding the relationships and necessities of the earth and four-leggeds. 

We will laugh, scream, cry, shake, dance and be together in all of the ups and downs.

Our precious body needs tending so that we can be lifelong huntresses, with our sights on justice, reciprocity and harmony with nature.


We need you inhabiting your power to be a part of the grieving of the end of these times and the possibility of an emergent new world.

Your community and your family need you to hold on to pleasure like your life depends on it, even when you’re not sure what that means.

We can discover that together.

Replay: Women, Eroticism & The Nervous System

Who is this class for:

  • Women who know there is more power available to them, women who want more spiritual sex, women craving honest, centered conversation about what “sex” is
  • Artists, freelancers, entrepreneurs who live and/or work alone and are feeling isolated Somatic practitioners who want to expand your skills to work with women, birth and sexuality
  • Mothers, with no space or privacy, seeking to be the regulating center of their homes, and wanting to provide a more holistic embodied sex education for their children
  • Empaths who struggle not to collapse their boundaries into the collective energy and are feeling all of the momentous shifts each week
  • Spaceholders who need spaceholding, (birthworkers, bodyworkers, yoga teachers, somatic therapists) especially if your work is being redefined
  • Everyone holding a vision of the potential of culture-making and community-building based on values of justice and equity

In this class, you will learn:

  • How female arousal works
  • Why a female perspective on trauma and sexuality is important.
  • Tools to become more erotically alive, with yourself and with others
  • How female nervous systems function and heal differently than male nervous systems do.
  • How to identify and “hold” your power center
  • What it means to claim your sexuality as your own, and become whole unto yourself (A Virgin)
  • How the nervous system has everything to do with the way that people are interacting with each other- both on and offline
  • Why healing your birth trauma and sexual trauma will directly impact your ability to stand your ground and speak your mind in conflict
  • Communication skills for what you want and don’t want in relationship and intimacy
  • How breathwork can be effectively used to calibrate, regulate and express your nervous system state

Course Format:

How this class is different from Activate Your Inner Jaguar

○ This is a 9 week class (instead of 6) We meet every Tuesday at 11 am pst | 2 pm est

This class is Jaguar + Forging a Feminine Path, and tends to the unique challenges of these times

○ Forging a Feminine Path is my signature course on female spirituality and sexuality. It is a ground up embodied sex education.

I will lead three Jaguar Sessions. These are one-on-one sessions that are open to course students (one on birth, one on sexuality, and one mystery), in real time, so that you can see the somatic work in action.

We will have three live guided Mapping Sessions: Pelvic Mapping, Vulva Mapping and Sexuality Salon.

○ Emma Callahagn will be leading a Women of Color group every other Thursday at 11 am pst | 2 pm pst


This is the most in depth course I offer all year. 

We will spend 9 weeks exploring Activate Your Inner Jaguar + Forging A Feminine Path. 

You have the option to pay for the course in one payment or in two payments & we are offering an earlybird price for both options.

Earlybird Pricing ends at Sunday, October 17th at Midnight PST.

*jaguar alumni: please check your inbox for a discount code- if you did not receive one please write into

Earlybird Pricing Deadline:


A Note On Refunds: Transparency is a core value of the Jaguar community, we put a lot of effort into an accurate representation of the course experience and we are happy to answer your questions in advance. Because our products are digital goods that are accessible, once the course begins we do not offer refunds. Thank you for understanding.

Class Schedule

Weekly classes take place Tuesdays at 11 am PT / 2 pm ET (October 19th- December 14th)

Additional Classes:

🐾  Women of Color Classes to meet every other Thursday at 11 am pst | 2 pm est
🐾  Jaguar Sessions Wednesdays (Nov. 10th , Nov.17, Dec 1st at 11 am pst | 2 pm est)
🐾  Live guided Mapping Sessions: Pelvic Mapping, Vulva Mapping and Sexuality Salon dates:

Friday October 29th at 5 pm pst

Friday November 12th at 10 am pst

Friday December 3rd at 5 pm pst

Kimberly Ann Johnson Author

Kimberly Ann Johnson

Author, Sexological Bodyworker, and Somatic Experiencing Practitioner

Kimberly Ann Johnson is the bestselling author of the early mothering classic The Fourth Trimester: Healing Your Body, Balancing Your Emotions and Restoring Your Vitality published in seven languages around the world. She recently released Call of The Wild: How We Heal Trauma, Awaken Our Own Power, And Use It For Good at Harper Wave, the feminist imprint of Harper Collins.

A sought after practitioner and lead authority in postpartum health, Johnson has been working hands-on in integrative women’s health and trauma recovery for more than a decade. 

Her work has been featured in The New York TimesForbesVogue, New York Magazine’s The CutHarper’s Bazaar, and many more. She is the host of the Sex Birth Trauma podcast with over half a million unique downloads.

Emma Callaghan

Jaguar Women of Color facilitator, yoga & mindfulness instructors

Emma Callaghan has been teaching yoga and mindfulness practices for 18 years but credits Somatic Experiencing and Kimberly’s Jaguar courses for helping her to unravel and heal racialized and intergenerational trauma.  After multiple rounds of Jaguar Emma has gained a thorough understanding of her own nervous system and has been helping others to understand theirs. Emma has been supporting the Jaguar movement for the last year by facilitating affiliate classes for women of color on the course. Emma is studying Somatic Trauma Therapies and is available to all Jaguar alumni for support and connection should anyone need it one on one.


No problem at all. We’ve had thousands of women take this course, and very few were able to come to every live webinar (and some couldn’t attend any live, because of work and other commitments). The videos in this course are meant to be watched sometime during the week—you’ll get a replay of each video within 24 hours of the live call. You’ll receive information and experiential exercises in each video that you can work with all week. 

The classes will be 75-90 minutes long, and we’ll give you some experiential exercises and meditations to incorporate into your daily life during the week. All-in-all you’ll be spending about two hours on course material per week (plus whatever you fold into your daily interactions).

What People Are Saying:

Hear from Jaguar Alumni

7 Videos

*click the volume icon in the video bar to turn on sound

This is JAGUAR SEX EDITION.... in a pandemic.

As Seen In

New York Times
The Cut Magazine
Today Show
Yoga Journal
Well Good