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EP61: Brooke McNamara on the Poetry of Reality and Mothering as Activism

What She Shares:

  •      How the birth of her son was a psycho-spiritual death experience
  •      The rich depth of her postpartum experiences
  •      Practicing as a Zen Monk AND parenting
  •      About her new course “Write to the Heart of Motherhood”

What You’ll Hear:

  •      Recognizing when you need to surrender, and when you need to stand in your strength
  •      Expanding your boundaries to build resiliency
  •      Feeling the pain of childbirth as power
  •      Pushing yourself out of love, not punishment
  •      Birth and postpartum as a rite of passage, and incorporating afterward
  •      Re-integrating with society at a new level after a rite of passage
  •      Sharing your learning with your community
  •      Viewing the interruptions of life as life itself
  •      Committing to what resources you
  •      Allowing space for creativity and inspiration to come organically
  •      Finding ways to interrupt your habits and inner critic
  •      Harvesting what is already happening in your mothering

Brooke McNamara is a professor at Naropa University, the author of “Feed Your Vow: Poems for Falling into Fullness”, and creates dance theater performances through her company Eunice Embodiment. She’s a poet, a performer, a zen monk, mother of two, a movement educator, and a mindfulness coach.