Never Land/Sever Land with Stephen Jenkinson Starts October 20th. Learn More Here.

15 Minutes To Reduce Your Risk Of Post-Partum Depression

This title sounds gimmicky and impossible, but in fact Italian researchers Paula di Blasio and Chiara Ionio found that 15 minutes of expressive writing about birth experience had a significant effect on the experience of post traumatic stress disorder symptoms in new mothers. They found the most significant results when a woman wrote about her birth experience in the first 48 hours. However because deep repair and reconstruction is always possible, I highly recommend that you write your birth story if you haven’t already. You will be amazed at what you remember once you begin.

Below are the official instructions given to the women in the study. Take as much time as you like.

In about 15-20 minutes, please write about the thoughts and feelings you had when experiencing childbirth. Please describe also feelings and thoughts that you would not disclose to others. You may want to include in your account other people, such as hospital professionals, or important people in your present, past, or future life. Everything you write will be kept strictly confidential.

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