Activate Your Inner Jaguar Movement, Meditation + The Female Body

A 4 week course with Kimberly Ann Johnson and guest presenters. Begins Monday, May 6th at 11am PST | 2pm EST.

đŸŸÂ Do you want to stop second-guessing the things you say,
the way you look, and how you move?

đŸŸÂ Do you find yourself “stuck” or “frozen”? You know what you should do,
but you just can’t make it happen… and then the shame cycle starts.

đŸŸÂ Are you exhausted and not sure if you should “push through” or rest?

đŸŸ Is it easier for you to understand someone else’s point of view
than stand for your own?

Find your movement again. Come back to your body. Activate Your Inner Jaguar.

Activating Your Inner Jaguar is about standing up and speaking out.

Caring less about being nice and caring more about what you need.

It’s about claiming your space and holding your ground.

Learning to stay in your body, even when things get intense, loving yourself when you can’t, and having a bunch of tools to find your way back. 

🐆 Jaguar energy is fierce and decisive, and it may be the missing piece of your healing journey.

Activating Your Inner Jaguar is about claiming your space, owning your voice and expanding your capacity for true power.

The thing that separates the traumatized from the non-traumatized?    Movement.

As human animals, our bodies are built to move. 

And, the most amazing thing is that we can experience some truly horrific things and find ourselves hurt, scared, and grieving… but not traumatized. 

đŸŸÂ  Trauma isn’t so much the thing that happened to you, it’s what didn’t happen. The words you couldn’t speak, the movements you couldn’t make, the connection you didn’t have.

Before there was explicit “trauma” or “somatic work,” there was singing and dancing. There was moving together. There were rites of passage. There were ways of marking times and seasons of life. 

Now we can use the tools of somatics with the remembering of what it is to move together and be led together.

Somatic Healing Through Movement


Life is an ongoing dance between
movement and stillness.

The female body has different needs and requirements for movement
and for meditation
, beyond generic instructions of step your feet a bit wider,
don’t go upside down when you bleed, and go at your own pace. 

đŸŸ There is a dance between movement and stillness.

All movement is not inherently somatic. 

That’s why you can be an athlete, or a dancer, or have a yoga or Pilates practice,
and still experience a nervous system that is out of whack. 

The female body has changing needs through the phases of a monthly cycle
and a life cycle- from fertile years to non-fertile years. đŸŸ

Many women have been cautioned about how to move, and feel paralyzed by
needing to do the “right” thing. Needing to do things perfectly keeps us stuck from
experimenting and being in touch with our evolving needs over time.

"The combination of movement and meditation
works for me in a way that hasn't before."

I am grateful for being in this space and in this powerful container held by such powerful women.

~ Harriet

Why Meditation? And Why now?

The three most important skills of this era are focus, discernment, and prayer.

đŸŸ Meditation can help with all of these.

I have chosen a teacher, Jenny Terbell, who comes from a feminine lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. Her teacher is Lama Tsultrim Allione. She has been steeped in this practice for 15 years.

She knows the difference between freeze states (even with a positive valence) and meditation. She knows the principles of Jaguar work and the nervous system and how meditation works.

We will practice together.

Cultivate your Capacity for Focus, Discernment, and Prayer


In this Course,
you will...

  • Understand your own nervous system in real time and in your own body
  • Practice many ways of finding and returning to center, including a variety of skills and movement approaches
  • Grasp boundaries in a direct and palpable way so that you can express your needs and wants clearly
  • Learn how to accurately read the signals your body is giving you and know what direction to move to from there
  • Move stagnant energy so you can feel more like yourself and stop overthinking
  • Learn how to stop projecting your anxiety outwards and learn to metabolize it, so you can communicate from your deepest truth, and be heard
  • Practice surfing big waves of emotions and sensations so that you feel like you’re the surfer and not being tossed around in the stormy ocean
  • Bridge the gap between the rights you know you have and an ability to advocate for yourself in the present moment

This course is for HUMANS – lovers, parents, birth-workers, bodyworkers, therapists, and people who want to become more animal, more human and more humane.


Activate Your Inner Jaguar

Movement, Meditation + The Female Body


Regular Price


4 Weeks of Jaguar
4 Anchor classes with Kimberly
4 Meditation classes with Jenny
4 Guest teacher movement workshops
Women of Color class
Private Facebook group
Access to all recordings of the live classes

I am inviting you to my happy place.

In these complicated times, we must find ways to connect to our aliveness. We don’t avoid or bypass the gravity or urgency of the times. We expand our range and remember to laugh, sing, and dance while we circle and grieve and create. 

Before I worked with women + trauma, I was a full-time yoga teacher and bodyworker. 

Before I was a yoga teacher, I was a dancer. Highlights of my dance career included performing at the Kennedy Center with Jump Rhythm Dance Project, being a part of the Nike dance team in Chicago, + a short-lived gig with the WuTangClan (long story). 

People used to tell me they didn’t see me as a Gemini until they saw me on the dance floor and then they understood. 

You don’t have to love to dance to join this class. If you do, come on, then! You don’t even have to turn your camera on, but it’s fun when you do. It’s not about jazz hands; it’s an inside experience.

The movement teachers are all seasoned movers and have unique ways of approaching the body that open the door to more aliveness, more coordination and more joy.

You also don’t have to love meditation, but the skills of this century are focus, discernment, and prayer. Meditation is one way to get there.

There are a lot of books where you can learn about the principles of the nervous system and trauma. 

There are fewer places where you can learn through direct experience, transmission and oral tradition.

There are even fewer where the female body is considered to have discrete needs in movement and spiritual practice.

đŸŸ This is the invitation of Jaguar.

Connect to your Aliveness through Movement + Meditation


Guest Teachers

Kyra Lehman's life has been devoted to creativity and learning the mechanics and subtle languages of the body. Being born blind in one eye and having spinal surgery at 12 years old—leaving her paralyzed from the chest down—propelled her into a lifetime pursuit of paying attention.

Kyra holds a Bachelor’s degree from Tisch School of the Arts at NYU and a Master’s in Performance from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. She is the co-founder and Artistic Director of Proximity, a movement-based theater company in Santa Barbara, CA. Kyra has directed over sixty productions, performance-based workshops and classes for the past two decades, yielding a rigorous performance vocabulary and multi-layered teaching methodology.


Rodrigo Gallego is a San Diego based personal trainer, mobility, and movement coach.

Born and raised in Argentina, Rodrigo led a very active and athletic lifestyle that he loved but also brought multiple imbalances, pain, and injuries to him.

After years of frustration trying to find solutions to his problems he decided to research, study, and find a better way to stay active, pain free, and moving well for a lifetime. 

And that was the beginning of Barefoot Movers, and now Rodrigo dedicates his life to help other adults restore their natural capacity to stay active, pain free, and to keep doing all the activities and sports they love regardless of their age.

Untitled design(5) copy 2

Devi Ward Erickson is the Founder of the Institute of Authentic Tantra
Education, the first and only government-accredited professional training institute using the Tibetan Five Element Tantric practices for holistic sexual healing. Devi is an ACS Certified Sexologist, Certified Tantric Healer, Certified Reiki Practitioner, Certified Meditation Instructor, and has been teaching meditation and personal growth workshops for over 20 years.

Devi is an author and the Host of Sex is Medicine Podcast. She has been featured as a Tantric Healing Expert in over 30 different radio and television networks world-wide including Playboy Radio, Men’s Health Magazine, Ebony Magazine, CBS, NBC, Rogers TV, and the movie Sexology. In 2021, Devi was awarded the AASECT Live Web Series Award and was featured in VH1 “Couples Retreat”. This year alone, Devi has been featured as a Tantric Sex Expert in Cosmopolitan Magazine two times and counting!

Screen Shot 2024-04-12 at 10.53.08 AM

Alicia Fajardo has over 35 years of experience in the fitness industry and holds a BS in Exercise Science and Sports Studies. A longtime movement enthusiast, Alicia has studied, practiced, and taught many different types of movement throughout her career.

The Fajardo Method of Holistic Biomechanics teaches movement education and motor re-patterning in conjunction with nervous system awareness.

Bonus classes with...

Kyra Lehman  on Friday, May 10th at 11am PT
Rodrigo Gallego on Friday, May 17th at 11am PT
Devi Ward Erickson on Friday, May 24th at 11am PT
Alicia Fajardo
on Sunday, May 26th at 11am PT

Course Details:

Each week includes a meditation class with Jenny, a Jaguar class with Kimberly, a movement
with one of our guest teachers, and discussion in our private Facebook forum.
The course includes exclusive Women of Color classes and a unique Facebook group.

In this Course, you will:

Online Course Format:


May 6th – May 28th

Live Anchor Classes:
Tuesdays at 11 am PT | 2 pm ET

Meditation Classes:
Mondays at 11am PT | 2pm ET

Movement Workshops:
Fridays, May 10 + 17 + 24 at 11am PT | 2pm ET + Sunday, May 26th at 11am PT | 2pm ET

Women of Color Class: Wednesday, May 22nd at 11 am PT | 2pm ET

Course Details

Each week includes a live class, meditations, and exercises.  The course includes exclusive Women of Color classes and a unique Facebook group.



"An unexpected beginning to true healing"

Now that the course has come to completion, I am (for the first time in my life)
not leaping into the next course or “miracle cure”. This course has established
a deeply grounding feeling of self-trust and connection to the incredible Jaguar presence
that resides at the epicenter of me. I feel confident to take the process one day at a time,
respecting my own boundaries and trusting that my nervous system will tell me
when it’s ready to release again. 

~ Katia

This course is
for you if...

  • You need help bridging the gap between insights and action. You can learn about something all day long, but you struggle when it comes to actually doing it.
  • You feel exhausted, depleted, and tired of trying to do the right thing with little results.
  • You’re a dance teacher, physical therapist, musician, personal trainer, or artist who’s considering trauma training, but you want something that’s not talking or intellectualizing about the body but being in the body.
  • You feel that your empathy is more of a hindrance than a help.
  • You see a disconnect between what you want in life, and what you’re getting.
  • You recoil from conflict or never feel there’s a good outcome from it.
  • You’ve never really recovered from a birth or loss experience.
  • You shut down around sex (low desire or pleasure), or have a proclivity to end up in experiences you’re not sure you wanted.
  • You’re trying to figure out who you are or what’s yours to do in the midst of all this change.

Join Activate Your Inner Jaguar NOW


Hear from Jaguar Alumni...

Got questions?

Activate Your Inner Jaguar courses have to do with how we love, how we show up for relationships, how we parent, how we deal with money (or don’t deal with it), and how we do sex.

Experience the practices from Kimberly’s book Call of the Wild: How We Heal Trauma, Awaken Our Own Power, and Use it for Good through her LIVE  Jaguar courses.

Understanding YOUR nervous system can be one of the most powerful experiences and footholds you can ever gain.

If you have done years of therapy and/or coaching, but still find life to be exhausting, your relationships difficult, and sex mysterious, discovering your own nervous system patterns may be the missing link.

If you are a bodyworker, therapist, or healer, your ability to understand your own nervous system, as well as decode and allow someone to see their own activation patterns, will be a huge boon.

YOU can be a leader by investing in and devoting yourself to translating your own nervous system so no one else has to.

No problem at all.

We’ve had hundreds of women take this course, and very few were able to come to each live webinar (and some couldn’t attend any live, because of work and other commitments).

The videos in this course are meant to be watched sometime during the week—you’ll get a replay of each video within 24 hours of the live call.

You’ll receive information and experiential exercises in each video that you can work with all week. 

The classes will be 90 minutes long, and we’ll give you some experiential exercises and meditations to incorporate into your daily life during the week. All-in-all you’ll be spending about two hours on course material per week (plus whatever you fold into your daily interactions).

Jaguar courses are a prerequisite to higher level and in person trainings with Kimberly.

Have another question?

Should you have any additional questions, our support team are ready to assist.
Click here
to send an email.

"I felt my body dissolve into the infinite

– a moving place to be in a half century “old/young” body that often feels heavy in this world.
Thank you, Jenny and Kimberly for holding us in this safe and sacred space allowing us
to cleanse
ourselves in this heart opening.”

~ Harriet


Kimberly Ann Johnson

Author, Sexological Bodyworker, Somatic Experiencing practitioner, Structural Integration practitioner, postpartum advocate, retired yoga teacher and single mom. 

She specializes in helping women prepare for birth, recover from birth injuries and birth trauma, and heal from sexual trauma. She is the author of The Fourth Trimester: A Postpartum Guide to Healing Your Body, Balancing Your Emotions and Restoring Your Vitality, (Shambhala, 2017) the feminist trauma guide Call of the Wild (HarperWave, 2021) and the audio training Reclaiming the Feminine: Embodied Sexuality as Spiritual Practice (SoundsTrue, 2023). She is the creator and host of Sex Birth Trauma, a podcast with over 850,000 unique downloads.

She has trained yoga teachers, bodyworkers and birth workers both nationally and internationally specializing in scar tissue remediation and women’s pelvic, gynecological, and sexual health.

She has ushered thousands of women into their full voices and sexual expression through her signature courses Activate Your Inner Jaguar, Forging a Feminine Path, and MotherCircle.


Jenny Terbell

Mother, Writer, Meditation + Breathwork + Sacred Feminine Teacher

Jenny Terbell is a mother, writer, and teacher. A devoted student of Tibetan Buddhism, she finds endless comfort and inspiration in the Buddhist teachings on the awakened heart, that part of us that is open, compassionate, and wise.

She met her spiritual teacher Lama Tsultrim Allione in 2009 and took refuge with her. Following her teacher in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, she is studying in the lineage of Machig Labdron, a Tibetan woman who lived and taught the Dharma 1000 years ago in Tibet, and, like Tara before her, achieved complete realization in a female body. Jenny is an Apprentice Teacher for Lama Tsultrim Allione at Tara Mandala.

She is a student and Numa Trained facilitator in the somatic arts of breath and movement. She offers individual and group sessions that incorporate a variety of disciplines which lead to deeper embodiment and purpose, such as meditation, breathwork, and a trust in the healing power and innate wisdom of the Sacred Feminine.


Emma Callaghan

Yoga & Mindfulness Instructor

Emma Callaghan has been teaching yoga and mindfulness practices for 18 years, but credits Somatic Experiencing and Kimberly’s Jaguar courses for helping her to unravel and heal racialized and inter-generational trauma. After multiple rounds of Jaguar, Emma has gained a thorough understanding of her own nervous system and has been helping others to understand theirs. Emma has been supporting the Jaguar movement for the last year by facilitating affiliate classes for women of color in the course. Emma is studying Somatic Trauma Therapies and is available to all Jaguar alumni for support and connection should anyone need it one-on-one.

Works by Kimberly Ann Johnson

the fourth trimester book
the fourth trimester journal
the fourth trimester card deck
Call Of The Wild
Reckoning Book Cover

As seen in

New York Times
The Cut Magazine
Today Show
Yoga Journal
Well Good

Activate Your Inner Jaguar đŸŸ


Copyright ©2024 All Rights Reserved

Activate Your
Inner Jaguar


A 4 week course with Kimberly Ann Johnson and guest presenters. Begins Monday, May 6th at 11am PST | 2pm EST.

đŸŸÂ Do you want to stop second-guessing the things you say,
the way you look, and how you move?

đŸŸÂ Do you find yourself “stuck” or “frozen”? You know what you should do,
but you just can’t make it happen… and then the shame cycle starts.

đŸŸÂ Are you exhausted and not sure if you should “push through” or rest?

đŸŸ Is it easier for you to understand someone else’s point of view
than stand for your own?

Find your movement again. Come back to your body. Activate Your Inner Jaguar.

Activating Your Inner Jaguar is about standing up and speaking out.

Caring less about being nice and caring more about what you need.

It’s about claiming your space and holding your ground.

Learning to stay in your body, even when things get intense, loving yourself when you can’t, and having a bunch of tools to find your way back. 

🐆 Jaguar energy is fierce and decisive, and it may be the missing piece of your healing journey.

Activating Your Inner Jaguar is about claiming your space, owning your voice and expanding your capacity for true power.

The thing that separates the traumatized from the non-traumatized?    Movement.

As human animals, our bodies are built to move. 

And, the most amazing thing is that we can experience some truly horrific things and find ourselves hurt, scared, and grieving… but not traumatized. 

đŸŸÂ  Trauma isn’t so much the thing that happened to you, it’s what didn’t happen. The words you couldn’t speak, the movements you couldn’t make, the connection you didn’t have.

Before there was explicit “trauma” or “somatic work,” there was singing and dancing. There was moving together. There were rites of passage. There were ways of marking times and seasons of life. 

Now we can use the tools of somatics with the remembering of what it is to move together and be led together.

Somatic Healing Through Movement


Life is an ongoing dance between
movement and stillness.

The female body has different needs and requirements for movement
and for meditation
, beyond generic instructions of step your feet a bit wider,
don’t go upside down when you bleed, and go at your own pace. 

đŸŸ There is a dance between
movement and stillness.

All movement is not inherently somatic. 

That’s why you can be an athlete, or a dancer, or have a yoga or Pilates practice, and still experience a nervous system that is out of whack. 

The female body has changing needs through the phases of a monthly cycle
and a life cycle- from fertile years to non-fertile years. đŸŸ

Many women have been cautioned about how to move, and feel paralyzed by needing to do the “right” thing. Needing to do things perfectly keeps us stuck from experimenting and being in touch with our evolving needs over time.

"The combination of movement and meditation
works for me in a way that hasn't before."

I am grateful for being in this space and in this powerful container held by such powerful women.

~ Harriet

Why Meditation? And Why now?

The three most important skills of this era are focus, discernment, and prayer.

đŸŸ Meditation can help with all of these.

I have chosen a teacher, Jenny Terbell, who comes from a feminine lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. Her teacher is Lama Tsultrim Allione. She has been steeped in this practice for 15 years.

She knows the difference between freeze states (even with a positive valence) and meditation. She knows the principles of Jaguar work and the nervous system and how meditation works.

We will practice together.

Cultivate your Capacity for Focus, Discernment, and Prayer


In this Course,
you will...

  • Understand your own nervous system in real time and in your own body
  • Practice many ways of finding and returning to center, including a variety of skills and movement approaches
  • Grasp boundaries in a direct and palpable way so that you can express your needs and wants clearly
  • Learn how to accurately read the signals your body is giving you and know what direction to move to from there
  • Move stagnant energy so you can feel more like yourself and stop overthinking
  • Learn how to stop projecting your anxiety outwards and learn to metabolize it, so you can communicate from your deepest truth, and be heard
  • Practice surfing big waves of emotions and sensations so that you feel like you’re the surfer and not being tossed around in the stormy ocean
  • Bridge the gap between the rights you know you have and an ability to advocate for yourself in the present moment

This course is for HUMANS – lovers, parents, birth-workers, bodyworkers, therapists, and people who want to become more animal, more human and more humane.


Activate Your Inner Jaguar

Movement, Meditation + The Female Body


Regular Price


4 Weeks of Jaguar
4 Anchor classes with Kimberly
4 Meditation classes with Jenny
4 Guest teacher movement workshops
Women of Color class
Private Facebook group
Access to all recordings of the live classes

I am inviting you to my happy place.

In these complicated times, we must find ways to connect to our aliveness. We don’t avoid or bypass the gravity or urgency of the times. We expand our range and remember to laugh, sing, and dance while we circle and grieve and create. 

Before I worked with women + trauma, I was a full-time yoga teacher and bodyworker. 

Before I was a yoga teacher, I was a dancer. Highlights of my dance career included performing at the Kennedy Center with Jump Rhythm Dance Project, being a part of the Nike dance team in Chicago, + a short-lived gig with the WuTangClan (long story). 

People used to tell me they didn’t see me as a Gemini until they saw me on the dance floor and then they understood. 

You don’t have to love to dance to join this class. If you do, come on, then! You don’t even have to turn your camera on, but it’s fun when you do. It’s not about jazz hands; it’s an inside experience.

The movement teachers are all seasoned movers and have unique ways of approaching the body that open the door to more aliveness, more coordination and more joy.

You also don’t have to love meditation, but the skills of this century are focus, discernment, and prayer. Meditation is one way to get there.

There are a lot of books where you can learn about the principles of the nervous system and trauma. 

There are fewer places where you can learn through direct experience, transmission and oral tradition.

There are even fewer where the female body is considered to have discrete needs in movement and spiritual practice.

đŸŸ This is the invitation of Jaguar.

Connect to your Aliveness through Movement + Meditation


Guest Teachers

Kyra Lehman's life has been devoted to creativity and learning the mechanics and subtle languages of the body. Being born blind in one eye and having spinal surgery at 12 years old—leaving her paralyzed from the chest down—propelled her into a lifetime pursuit of paying attention.

Kyra holds a Bachelor’s degree from Tisch School of the Arts at NYU and a Master’s in Performance from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. She is the co-founder and Artistic Director of Proximity, a movement-based theater company in Santa Barbara, CA. Kyra has directed over sixty productions, performance-based workshops and classes for the past two decades, yielding a rigorous performance vocabulary and multi-layered teaching methodology.


Rodrigo Gallego is a San Diego based personal trainer, mobility, and movement coach.

Born and raised in Argentina, Rodrigo led a very active and athletic lifestyle that he loved but also brought multiple imbalances, pain, and injuries to him.

After years of frustration trying to find solutions to his problems he decided to research, study, and find a better way to stay active, pain free, and moving well for a lifetime. 

And that was the beginning of Barefoot Movers, and now Rodrigo dedicates his life to help other adults restore their natural capacity to stay active, pain free, and to keep doing all the activities and sports they love regardless of their age.

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Devi Ward Erickson is the Founder of the Institute of Authentic Tantra Education, the first and only government-accredited professional training institute using the Tibetan Five Element Tantric practices for holistic sexual healing. Devi is an ACS Certified Sexologist, Certified Tantric Healer, Certified Reiki Practitioner, Certified Meditation Instructor, and has been teaching meditation and personal growth workshops for over 20 years.

Devi is an author and the Host of Sex is Medicine Podcast. She has been featured as a Tantric Healing Expert in over 30 different radio and television networks world-wide including Playboy Radio, Men’s Health Magazine, Ebony Magazine, CBS, NBC, Rogers TV, and the movie Sexology. In 2021, Devi was awarded the AASECT Live Web Series Award and was featured in VH1 “Couples Retreat”. This year alone, Devi has been featured as a Tantric Sex Expert in Cosmopolitan Magazine two times and counting!

Screen Shot 2024-04-12 at 10.53.08 AM

Alicia Fajardo has over 35 years of experience in the fitness industry and holds a BS in Exercise Science and Sports Studies. A longtime movement enthusiast, Alicia has studied, practiced, and taught many different types of movement throughout her career.

The Fajardo Method of Holistic Biomechanics teaches movement education and motor re-patterning in conjunction with nervous system awareness.

Bonus classes with...

Kyra Lehman  on Friday, May 10th at 11am PT
Rodrigo Gallego on Friday, May 17th at 11am PT
Devi Ward Erickson on Friday, May 24th at 11am PT
Alicia Fajardo
on Sunday, May 26th at 11am PT

Course Details:

Each week includes a meditation class with Jenny, a Jaguar class with Kimberly, a movement
with one of our guest teachers, and discussion in our private Facebook forum.
The course includes exclusive Women of Color classes and a unique Facebook group.

In this Course, you will:

Online Course Format:


May 6th – May 28th

Live Anchor Classes:
Tuesdays at 11 am PT | 2 pm ET

Meditation Classes:
Mondays at 11am PT | 2pm ET

Movement Workshops:
Fridays, May 10th + 17th + 24th at 11am PT | 2pm ET
+ Sunday, May 26th at 11am PT | 2pm ET

Women of Color Class:
Wednesday, May 22nd at 11 am PT | 2pm ET

"An unexpected beginning to true healing"

Now that the course has come to completion, I am (for the first time in my life) not leaping into the next course or “miracle cure”. This course has established a deeply grounding feeling of self-trust and connection to the incredible Jaguar presence
that resides at the epicenter of me. I feel confident to take the process one day at a time, respecting my own boundaries and trusting that my nervous system will tell me
when it’s ready to release again. 

~ Katia

This course is
for you if...

  • You need help bridging the gap between insights and action. You can learn about something all day long, but you struggle when it comes to actually doing it.
  • You feel exhausted, depleted, and tired of trying to do the right thing with little results.
  • You’re a dance teacher, physical therapist, musician, personal trainer, or artist who’s considering trauma training, but you want something that’s not talking or intellectualizing about the body but being in the body.
  • You feel that your empathy is more of a hindrance than a help.
  • You see a disconnect between what you want in life, and what you’re getting.
  • You recoil from conflict or never feel there’s a good outcome from it.
  • You’ve never really recovered from a birth or loss experience.
  • You shut down around sex (low desire or pleasure), or have a proclivity to end up in experiences you’re not sure you wanted.
  • You’re trying to figure out who you are or what’s yours to do in the midst of all this change.

Join Activate Your Inner Jaguar NOW


Hear from
Jaguar Alumni...

Got questions?

Activate Your Inner Jaguar courses have to do with how we love, how we show up for relationships, how we parent, how we deal with money (or don’t deal with it), and how we do sex.

Experience the practices from Kimberly’s book Call of the Wild: How We Heal Trauma, Awaken Our Own Power, and Use it for Good through her LIVE  Jaguar courses.

Understanding YOUR nervous system can be one of the most powerful experiences and footholds you can ever gain.

If you have done years of therapy and/or coaching, but still find life to be exhausting, your relationships difficult, and sex mysterious, discovering your own nervous system patterns may be the missing link.

If you are a bodyworker, therapist, or healer, your ability to understand your own nervous system, as well as decode and allow someone to see their own activation patterns, will be a huge boon.

YOU can be a leader by investing in and devoting yourself to translating your own nervous system so no one else has to.

No problem at all.

We’ve had hundreds of women take this course, and very few were able to come to each live webinar (and some couldn’t attend any live, because of work and other commitments).

The videos in this course are meant to be watched sometime during the week—you’ll get a replay of each video within 24 hours of the live call.

You’ll receive information and experiential exercises in each video that you can work with all week. 

The classes will be 90 minutes long, and we’ll give you some experiential exercises and meditations to incorporate into your daily life during the week. All-in-all you’ll be spending about two hours on course material per week (plus whatever you fold into your daily interactions).

Jaguar courses are a prerequisite to higher level and in person trainings with Kimberly.

More questions?

Click here to send an email.

"I felt my body dissolve into the infinite

– a moving place to be in a half century “old/young” body that often feels heavy in this world. Thank you, Jenny and Kimberly for holding us in this safe and sacred space allowing us to cleanse ourselves in this heart opening.”

~ Harriet


Kimberly Ann Johnson

Author, Sexological Bodyworker, Somatic Experiencing practitioner, Structural Integration practitioner, postpartum advocate, retired yoga teacher and single mom. 

She specializes in helping women prepare for birth, recover from birth injuries and birth trauma, and heal from sexual trauma. She is the author of The Fourth Trimester: A Postpartum Guide to Healing Your Body, Balancing Your Emotions and Restoring Your Vitality, (Shambhala, 2017) the feminist trauma guide Call of the Wild (HarperWave, 2021) and the audio training Reclaiming the Feminine: Embodied Sexuality as Spiritual Practice (SoundsTrue, 2023). She is the creator and host of Sex Birth Trauma, a podcast with over 850,000 unique downloads.

She has trained yoga teachers, bodyworkers and birth workers both nationally and internationally specializing in scar tissue remediation and women’s pelvic, gynecological, and sexual health.

She has ushered thousands of women into their full voices and sexual expression through her signature courses Activate Your Inner Jaguar, Forging a Feminine Path, and MotherCircle.


Jenny Terbell

Mother, Writer, Meditation + Breathwork + Sacred Feminine Teacher

Jenny Terbell is a mother, writer, and teacher. A devoted student of Tibetan Buddhism, she finds endless comfort and inspiration in the Buddhist teachings on the awakened heart, that part of us that is open, compassionate, and wise.

She met her spiritual teacher Lama Tsultrim Allione in 2009 and took refuge with her. Following her teacher in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, she is studying in the lineage of Machig Labdron, a Tibetan woman who lived and taught the Dharma 1000 years ago in Tibet, and, like Tara before her, achieved complete realization in a female body. Jenny is an Apprentice Teacher for Lama Tsultrim Allione at Tara Mandala.

She is a student and Numa Trained facilitator in the somatic arts of breath and movement. She offers individual and group sessions that incorporate a variety of disciplines which lead to deeper embodiment and purpose, such as meditation, breathwork, and a trust in the healing power and innate wisdom of the Sacred Feminine.


Emma Callaghan

Yoga & Mindfulness Instructor

Emma Callaghan has been teaching yoga and mindfulness practices for 18 years, but credits Somatic Experiencing and Kimberly’s Jaguar courses for helping her to unravel and heal racialized and inter-generational trauma. After multiple rounds of Jaguar, Emma has gained a thorough understanding of her own nervous system and has been helping others to understand theirs. Emma has been supporting the Jaguar movement for the last year by facilitating affiliate classes for women of color in the course. Emma is studying Somatic Trauma Therapies and is available to all Jaguar alumni for support and connection should anyone need it one-on-one.

Works by Kimberly Ann Johnson

the fourth trimester book
the fourth trimester card deck
the fourth trimester journal
Call Of The Wild
Reckoning Book Cover

As seen in

New York Times
The Cut Magazine
Today Show
Yoga Journal
Well Good

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