Do you know your “patterns” but have a hard time changing them, and talk therapy doesn’t seem to be working anymore?
Is your spiritual practice hiding some underlying patterns or pushing them deeper as hard as you try to shift them?
Do you have a hard time charging for your services and making a good living?
Are you sick of affirmations and where they’re not getting you?
Do you need better boundaries but feel mystified about where and how to start communicating them?
The biggest leap in my own sexual healing journey came when I learned to activate predator energy. When I started my Somatic Experiencing Training 9 years ago, I was terrified of the word “predator,” and couldn’t have imagined that this would be the missing link to most of the work I do with women, whether helping them heal from birth trauma or sexual trauma.
With the word “predator,” we are not trying to become predators, we are learning to occupy the full range of human, mammalian experience. Could a jaguar survive if it couldn’t bear its teeth to protect her young from predators or the food of her young? Could a jaguar survive if she could not hunt? That same jaguar relaxes, licks her cubs, teaches them to hunt and plays with them.
Understanding YOUR nervous system can be one of the most powerful experiences and footholds you can ever gain.
If you have done years of therapy and/or coaching, but still find life to be exhausting, your relationships difficult, and sex mysterious, discovering your own nervous system patterns may be the missing link. If you are a bodyworker, therapist, or healer, your ability to understand your own nervous system, as well as decode and allow someone to see their own activation patterns will be a huge boon.
Kimberly Ann Johnson is a Sexological Bodyworker, Somatic Experiencing trauma resolution practitioner, birth doula, and single mom.
She specializes in helping women prepare for birth, recover from birth injuries and birth trauma, and heal from sexual trauma. She is the author of The Fourth Trimester: A Postpartum Guide to Healing Your Body, Balancing Your Emotions and Restoring Your Vitality.
She has trained yoga teachers, bodyworkers and birth workers both nationally and internationally specializing in scar tissue remediation and women’s pelvic, gynecological, and sexual health.
She has ushered thousands of women into their full voices and sexual expression through her signature courses Activate Your Inner Jaguar, Forging a Feminine Path, and MotherCircle.
Yes. This course was designed to give you a felt experience of power in your body, and for you to learn the ways that your body might be saying “no,” while your mouth is saying “yes.” This course is about owning your power, in a real way that translates to real-life boundary-setting in your relationships.
You’ll learn why boundaries aren’t a bad thing—they come from deep, internal experience, and allow you to live your life in a way that feels congruent in your mind, body, spirit, and soul.
No problem at all. We’ve had hundreds of women take this course, and very few were able to come to each live webinar (and some couldn’t attend any live, because of work and other commitments). The videos in this course are meant to be watched sometime during the week—you’ll get a replay of each video within 24 hours of the live call. You’ll receive information and experiential exercises in each video that you can work with all week.