Activate Your Inner Jaguar: Feminine Sensuality and Spirituality

A signature 9-week online intensive, created specifically to give you both the paradigm shift AND the practices you need
to find your way back to your organic impulses, claim your pleasure as your own, and become more sensually alive.

Everybody deserves fulfilling intimacy.

And I’m betting you feel the same way… but your body might not be in agreement.

đŸŸ Are you in a rut with your partner? Are things hard where they used be easy?

đŸŸ Have you gone through a change in your life that you maybe didn’t even
think would affect your sensuality, but it has?

đŸŸ Do you find yourself ready to go in your mind, but your body is just not on board?
Maybe you’re in pain, having recurrent infections, or just can’t seem to stay in your body during intimacy?

You know that your sensuality can be more.

But you don’t know how to get there.

This course leads the way.

Here’s the big secret about intimacy:

The key to having great intimacy is to understand that it’s a tangle of a whole lot of things.

Pleasure, affection, belonging, companionship, masculine energy, feminine energy, desire, play, vulnerability, boundaries… all these things play into sensuality.

And the more you’re aware of what’s in your particular tangle, the more you can decide how you want to engage with pleasure with yourself and others.

That’s what Activate Your Inner Jaguar is all about.

During this three month intensive, we’ll come together to fully embody your sensuality, and create positive, reparative real-time experiences around intimacy and pleasure.

Think of it like the
pleasure education you never had.

We’ll talk about all those things everybody wants to know about, but is too afraid to ask.

At the end of our time together, you’ll be fully equipped to not only understand what you and your body need for pleasure, but also able to translate that so you can have that incredible intimacy everybody seems to be talking about … and nobody seems to be having.

To say this experience has been nothing short of life altering for me, would be an understatement.

"When the student is ready, the teacher appears. Kimberly, you’ve done an amazing job of listening to all of us and helping to lead us out of the dark cracks of hidden shame and back into the light of day.

There are many ways to peel an onion. During this class, I didn’t just peel off the thin, translucent layers of skin that I’ve plodded along in traditional therapy for years – I dug my fingers into the heart of the onion and ripped off an enormous chunk of shame and embarrassment and tossed it aside.”

Join Activate Your Inner Jaguar Now!


In this Course,
you will learn...

  • How female pleasure works
  • Tools to become more sensually alive, with yourself and with others
  • How females nervous systems function and heal differently than male nervous systems do
  • What it means to claim your sensuality as your own, and become whole unto yourself (a virgin)
  • What female sensuality looks like outside of the male gaze
  • Learn how to make things you may be doing out of obligation enjoyable for you
  • Why healing trauma + boundary ruptures will directly impact your ability to stand your ground and speak your mind in conflict
  • Communication skills for what you want and don’t want in relationship and intimacy
  • What forgiveness really means, what happens when we go there prematurely, and how to genuinely orchestrate repair

All of this takes place in an intentionally curated cohort designed to give you space to breathe into your full, feminine sensuality surrounded by other women doing the same. You’ll be challenged, witnessed, held, and supported as we learn and grow together.


Activate Your Inner Jaguar

Feminine Sensuality and Spirituality


Regular Price

3 x $270

Payment Plan


Regular Full Price

3 x $270

Regular Payment Plan


Early Bird
Full Price

3 x $235

Early Bird
Payment Plan


Super Early Bird
Full Price

3 x $199

Super Early Bird
Payment Plan


9 Weeks of classes
Women of Color classes
3 Mapping Sessions
5 Guest Workshops
Private Facebook groups
Access to all recordings of the live classes
One-time payment or payment plan

It takes real magic and power to be a woman who owns her body and mind.

Our sensuality influences so much more than just what happens during those moments. It’s how we connect to something greater. It’s what makes it feel worth it to get up and do the rest of the things that we’re doing.

This takes a lot of courage.

But you’re brave. And we’re here for you. 

We can do this. We can unshame this sacred terrain, for ourselves and for each other, for our children, and for the generations to come.

Join us and learn how to have intimacy that’s just as nourishing, satisfying, and fun on a physical level as it on an emotional and spiritual level.

Ready to prowl on in?


Guest Teachers

Sheri Winston is a wholistic sensuality teacher, award-winning author, and medical professional. Her celebrated books Women’s Anatomy of Aroual: Secret Maps to Buried Pleasure and Succulent S*xCraft: Your Hands-On Guide to E*otic Play and Practice share her medical knowledge in relation to sensuality. Additionally, her Wholistic S*xualityℱ curriculum has over 50 classes covering subjects such as org*smic abundance for men and women, integral g*nital anatomy, expanded arousal, intimacy and relationship skills, and holistic sensual and women’s reproductive health.

The goal of Pam's work is twofold: to hold a deeply grounded, honest space for the people who get on her table to know and feel that they are whole, that they are absolutely capable of transformation, and that they have total authority over their own experience - and then to meet them with the skill, subtlety, intuition, and courage to accurately read and explore with them the places in their bodies where they are asking for help. 

Whitney Ullom is a sensuality, love, and relationship coach, trauma resolution practitioner, and embodiment guide.
Working in the intersections of sensuality, trauma, creativity, and soul, Whitney supports women in feeling alive, connected, and empowered in their bodies, their sensuality, and the unique expression of their divine gifts.
She also works with couples looking to expand their intimacy in and out of the bedroom.

She offers 1:1 coaching, facilitates deep group journeys, and holds retreats.

Devi Ward Erickson is the Founder of the Institute of Authentic Tantra
Education, the first and only government-accredited professional training institute using the Tibetan Five Element Tantric practices for holistic sensual healing. Devi is an ACS Certified S*xologist, Certified Tantric Healer, Certified Reiki Practitioner, Certified Meditation Instructor, and has been teaching meditation and personal growth workshops for over 20 years. She has been featured as a Tantric Healing Expert in over 30 different radio and television networks world-wide including Playboy Radio, Men’s Health Magazine, Ebony Magazine, CBS, NBC, Rogers TV, and the movie S*xology. In 2021, Devi was awarded the AASECT Live Web Series Award and was featured in VH1 “Couples Retreat”. This year alone, Devi has been featured as a Tantric Expert in Cosmo Magazine two times and counting!

Zina Zinchenko was born in Moscow, Russia. She started her dance education with Nikolay Ogruzkov in The Contemporary Dance School in Moscow at the age of 12. She graduated from CODARTS in the Netherlands with a BA degree in 2007. In the Netherlands Zina worked with various choreographers such as Ken Ossola, Anouk van Dijk, Emanuel Gat, Roy Assaf, Andrea Miller, Poul Northon and more. Between 2006-2009, she danced for the Itzik Galili Dance Company and with Stephen Shropshire for The Noord Nederlands Dans Company between 2009-2011.

In 2011 Zina joined the Batsheva Ensemble in Tel Aviv, Israel and later was invited to join Batsheva Dance Company in 2012-2018, where she trained in Gaga. She started teaching Gaga and Naharin’s repertoire in 2012 and has taught in Moscow, Tel Aviv, Japan, Poland and more. She became a certified yoga instructor in 2015 (Mysoru, India). Since her participation in the film The Tale of Love and Darkness (Natalie Portman, 2015) she acted in several commercials, short and feature films, most recently in Entebbe by Jose Padilha (2018).

Rahi combines his training and experience as a CA state-certified Somatic Sensuality Educator/S*xological Bodyworker, Certified TRE Provider, NeuroAffective Touch Practitioner, Life Coach with an M.A. in Spiritual Psychology, with certifications in Family Constellations Therapy, DeArmouring Arts, Chi Nei Tsang & Karsai Nei Tsang, and STREAM (Scar Tissue Remediation and Management) in his facilitation of Somatic Sensual Wholeness.

His varied background and experience in a variety of mind, body, and spirit modalities includes completing the Osho Advanced Therapy Training in Pune, India, Family Constellations Therapy with founder Bert Hellinger in Schladming, Austria, DeArmouring Arts Training with De’an Matuka, Sanna Sanita & Susanne Roursgaard at Angbacka, Sweden, Margot Anand’s Love and Ecstasy Tantra Training at Harbin Hot Springs, CA, and in-depth practices from the Zen, Vipassana, Osho, and Kundalini meditation traditions.

Bonus classes with...

Zina Zinchenko on Friday, October 27th at 9am PT
Sheri Winston on Sunday, November 5th at 12noon PT
Devi Ward Erickson on Thursday, November 16th at 9am PT
Whitney Ullom on Saturday, November 25th @ 11am PT
Rahi Chun on Monday, December 4th at 9am PT

Live guided mapping sessions

Pelvic Mapping with Kimberly Ann Johnson on Friday, November 3rd

Take Back the Speculum with Pam Samuelson on Sunday, November 19th at 9am PT

*Sexuality Salon with Kimberly Ann Johnson on Saturday, December 2nd at 5pm PT

(The Sexuality Salon is not recorded.)

Course Details:

Each week includes a live class, meditations, exercises, and discussion in our private Facebook forum.
Each month includes a Bonus Salon.
The course includes exclusive Women of Color classes and a unique Facebook group.

In this Course, you will:

Online Course Format:


October 17th – December 12th

Live Anchor Classes:
Tuesdays at 11 am PT | 2 pm ET

Women of Color Classes:
Thursdays at 10 am PT | 1 pm ET,
November 2nd, 16th, and 30th

Course Details

Each week includes a live class, meditations, and exercises.  The course includes exclusive Women of Color classes and a unique Facebook group.



This course is
for you if...

  • You know there’s something magical about intimacy, but you can’t seem to get there
  • You feel exhausted + worn down, lackluster about life
  • You’ve experimented with tantra or org*smic meditation but found yourself overriding deeper cues and are having a hard time finding your way back to your organic impulses
  • You want a real sensual education about your body and your responses
  • You’re at a point of transition: motherhood, menopause, or a breakup, and you want to know yourself again
  • You’re tired of the endless conversations about consent, because even though you know it’s a good thing, somehow these conversations seem to strip all the joy out of intimacy
  • You want to strip away the layers of shame wrapped around your body and your sensuality
  • You feel rearranged sensually since becoming a mother
  • You feel confused about how to communicate what you desire, and often feel deeply disconnected during intimacy
  • You have a great life and a great partner—and a lame intimate life

Start your Jaguar journey
with this free class

Sensual Seasons:
Connect to Your Sensual Flow
Through the Stages of Womanhood

Sensual Seasons:
Connect to Your Sensual Flow
Through the Stages of Womanhood


This course has completely changed my relationship and perspective to my body.

"I wasn’t even aware of the parts of myself that I felt inadequate about until really learning about basic anatomy and function of female organs. My first reaction is gratitude and awe. My second was: why is this not standardized and taught to every human?

I feel so much more aware of my boundaries. How to really tune in to what my body is feeling and having WORDS to put around those feelings. I have been searching for these skills for a long time. It has made me feel strong. I am so grateful."

Let's unshame this sacred terrain!


Hear from Jaguar Alumni...

Got questions?

Activate Your Inner Jaguar courses have to do with how we love, how we show up for relationships, how we parent, how we deal with money (or don’t deal with it), and how we do sex.

Experience the practices from Kimberly’s book Call of the Wild: How We Heal Trauma, Awaken Our Own Power, and Use it for Good through her LIVE  Jaguar courses.

Understanding YOUR nervous system can be one of the most powerful experiences and footholds you can ever gain.

If you have done years of therapy and/or coaching, but still find life to be exhausting, your relationships difficult, and sex mysterious, discovering your own nervous system patterns may be the missing link.

If you are a bodyworker, therapist, or healer, your ability to understand your own nervous system, as well as decode and allow someone to see their own activation patterns, will be a huge boon.

YOU can be a leader by investing in and devoting yourself to translating your own nervous system so no one else has to.

No problem at all.

We’ve had hundreds of women take this course, and very few were able to come to each live webinar (and some couldn’t attend any live, because of work and other commitments).

The videos in this course are meant to be watched sometime during the week—you’ll get a replay of each video within 24 hours of the live call.

You’ll receive information and experiential exercises in each video that you can work with all week. 

The classes will be 90 minutes long, and we’ll give you some experiential exercises and meditations to incorporate into your daily life during the week. All-in-all you’ll be spending about two hours on course material per week (plus whatever you fold into your daily interactions).

Jaguar courses are a prerequisite to higher level and in person trainings with Kimberly.

Have another question?

Should you have any additional questions, our support team are ready to assist.
Click here
to send an email.


Kimberly Ann Johnson

Author, S*xological Bodyworker, Somatic Experiencing practitioner, Structural Integration practitioner, postpartum advocate, retired yoga teacher and single mom. 

She specializes in helping women prepare for birth, recover from birth injuries and birth trauma, and heal from s*xual trauma. She is the author of The Fourth Trimester: A Postpartum Guide to Healing Your Body, Balancing Your Emotions and Restoring Your Vitality, (Shambhala, 2017) the feminist trauma guide Call of the Wild (HarperWave, 2021) and the audio training Reclaiming the Feminine: Embodied S*xuality as Spiritual Practice (SoundsTrue, 2023). She is the creator and host of S*x Birth Trauma, a podcast with over 850,000 unique downloads.

She has trained yoga teachers, bodyworkers and birth workers both nationally and internationally specializing in scar tissue remediation and women’s pelvic, gynecological, and sexual health.

She has ushered thousands of women into their full voices and sexual expression through her signature courses Activate Your Inner Jaguar, Forging a Feminine Path, and MotherCircle.


Whitney Ullom

Somatic Coach

Whitney Ullom is a sensuality, love, and relationship coach, trauma resolution practitioner, and Maiden to Mother guide. 
Working in the intersections of pleasure, creativity, and soul, Whitney supports women in feeling connected, and alive in their bodies, sensuality, and the unique expression of their divine gifts. 
She offers 1:1 coaching, facilitates deep group journeys, and holds retreats.


Emma Callaghan

Yoga & Mindfulness Instructor

Emma Callaghan has been teaching yoga and mindfulness practices for 18 years, but credits Somatic Experiencing and Kimberly’s Jaguar courses for helping her to unravel and heal racialized and inter-generational trauma. After multiple rounds of Jaguar, Emma has gained a thorough understanding of her own nervous system and has been helping others to understand theirs. Emma has been supporting the Jaguar movement for the last year by facilitating affiliate classes for women of color in the course. Emma is studying Somatic Trauma Therapies and is available to all Jaguar alumni for support and connection should anyone need it one-on-one.

Works by Kimberly Ann Johnson

the fourth trimester book
the fourth trimester journal
the fourth trimester card deck
Call Of The Wild
Reckoning Book Cover

As seen in

New York Times
The Cut Magazine
Today Show
Yoga Journal
Well Good

Join Activate Your Inner Jaguar Now!


Activate Your Inner Jaguar:

Feminine Sensuality and Spirituality

The course begins OCT 17th

A signature 9-week online intensive, created specifically to give you both the paradigm shift AND the practices you need to find your way back to your organic impulses, claim your pleasure as your own, and become more sensually alive.

Everybody deserves fulfilling intimacy.

And I’m betting you feel the same way… but your body might not be in agreement.

đŸŸ Are you in a rut with your partner? Are things hard where they used be easy?

đŸŸ Have you gone through a change in your life that you maybe didn’t even
think would affect your sensuality, but it has?

đŸŸ Do you find yourself ready to go in your mind, but your body is just not on board?
Maybe you’re in pain, having recurrent infections, or just can’t seem to stay in your body during intimacy?

You know that your sensuality can be more.

But you don’t know how to get there.

This course leads the way.

Here’s the big secret about intimacy:

The key to having great intimacy is to understand that it’s a tangle of a whole lot of things.

Pleasure, affection, belonging, companionship, masculine energy, feminine energy, desire, play, vulnerability, boundaries… all these things play into sensuality.

And the more you’re aware of what’s in your particular tangle, the more you can decide how you want to engage with pleasure with yourself and others.

That’s what Activate Your Inner Jaguar is all about.

During this three month intensive, we’ll come together to fully embody your sensuality, and create positive, reparative real-time experiences around intimacy and pleasure.

Think of it like the
pleasure education you never had.

We’ll talk about all those things everybody wants to know about, but is too afraid to ask.

At the end of our time together, you’ll be fully equipped to not only understand what you and your body need for pleasure, but also able to translate that so you can have that incredible intimacy everybody seems to be talking about … and nobody seems to be having.

To say this experience has been nothing short of life altering for me, would be an understatement.

"When the student is ready, the teacher appears. Kimberly, you’ve done an amazing job of listening to all of us and helping to lead us out of the dark cracks of hidden shame and back into the light of day.

There are many ways to peel an onion. During this class, I didn’t just peel off the thin, translucent layers of skin that I’ve plodded along in traditional therapy for years – I dug my fingers into the heart of the onion and ripped off an enormous chunk of shame and embarrassment and tossed it aside.”

Join Activate Your Inner Jaguar Now!


In this course,
you will learn...

  • How female pleasure works
  • Tools to become more sensually alive, with yourself and with others
  • How females nervous systems function and heal differently than male nervous systems do
  • What it means to claim your sensuality as your own, and become whole unto yourself (a virgin)
  • What female sensuality looks like outside of the male gaze
  • Learn how to make things you may be doing out of obligation enjoyable for you
  • Why healing trauma + boundary ruptures will directly impact your ability to stand your ground and speak your mind in conflict
  • Communication skills for what you want and don’t want in relationship and intimacy
  • What forgiveness really means, what happens when we go there prematurely, and how to genuinely orchestrate repair

All of this takes place in an intentionally curated cohort designed to give you space to breathe into your full, feminine sensuality surrounded by other women doing the same. You’ll be challenged, witnessed, held, and supported as we learn and grow together.


Activate Your Inner Jaguar

Feminine Sensuality and Spirituality


Regular Price

3 x $270

Payment Plan


Regular Full Price

3 x $270

Regular Payment Plan


Early Bird
Full Price

3 x $235

Early Bird
Payment Plan


Super Early Bird
Full Price

3 x $199

Super Early Bird
Payment Plan


9 Weeks of classes
Women of Color classes
3 Mapping Sessions
5 Guest Workshops
Private Facebook groups
Access to all recordings of the live classes
One-time payment or payment plan

It takes real magic and power to be a woman who owns her body and mind.

Our sensuality influences so much more than just what happens during those moments. It’s how we connect to something greater. It’s what makes it feel worth it to get up and do the rest of the things that we’re doing.

This takes a lot of courage.

But you’re brave. And we’re here for you. 

We can do this. We can unshame this sacred terrain, for ourselves and for each other, for our children, and for the generations to come.

Join us and learn how to have intimacy that’s just as nourishing, satisfying, and fun on a physical level as it on an emotional and spiritual level.

Ready to prowl on in?


Guest Teachers

Sheri Winston is a wholistic sensuality teacher, award-winning author, and medical professional. Her celebrated books Women’s Anatomy of Aroual: Secret Maps to Buried Pleasure and Succulent S*xCraft: Your Hands-On Guide to E*otic Play and Practice share her medical knowledge in relation to sensuality. Additionally, her Wholistic S*xualityℱ curriculum has over 50 classes covering subjects such as org*smic abundance for men and women, integral g*nital anatomy, expanded arousal, intimacy and relationship skills, and holistic sensual and women’s reproductive health.

The goal of Pam's work is twofold: to hold a deeply grounded, honest space for the people who get on her table to know and feel that they are whole, that they are absolutely capable of transformation, and that they have total authority over their own experience - and then to meet them with the skill, subtlety, intuition, and courage to accurately read and explore with them the places in their bodies where they are asking for help. 

Whitney Ullom is a sensuality, love, and relationship coach, trauma resolution practitioner, and embodiment guide.
Working in the intersections of sensuality, trauma, creativity, and soul, Whitney supports women in feeling alive, connected, and empowered in their bodies, their sensuality, and the unique expression of their divine gifts.
She also works with couples looking to expand their intimacy in and out of the bedroom.

She offers 1:1 coaching, facilitates deep group journeys, and holds retreats.

Devi Ward Erickson is the Founder of the Institute of Authentic Tantra
Education, the first and only government-accredited professional training institute using the Tibetan Five Element Tantric practices for holistic sensual healing. Devi is an ACS Certified S*xologist, Certified Tantric Healer, Certified Reiki Practitioner, Certified Meditation Instructor, and has been teaching meditation and personal growth workshops for over 20 years. She has been featured as a Tantric Healing Expert in over 30 different radio and television networks world-wide including Playboy Radio, Men’s Health Magazine, Ebony Magazine, CBS, NBC, Rogers TV, and the movie S*xology. In 2021, Devi was awarded the AASECT Live Web Series Award and was featured in VH1 “Couples Retreat”. This year alone, Devi has been featured as a Tantric Expert in Cosmo Magazine two times and counting!

Zina Zinchenko was born in Moscow, Russia. She started her dance education with Nikolay Ogruzkov in The Contemporary Dance School in Moscow at the age of 12. She graduated from CODARTS in the Netherlands with a BA degree in 2007. In the Netherlands Zina worked with various choreographers such as Ken Ossola, Anouk van Dijk, Emanuel Gat, Roy Assaf, Andrea Miller, Poul Northon and more. Between 2006-2009, she danced for the Itzik Galili Dance Company and with Stephen Shropshire for The Noord Nederlands Dans Company between 2009-2011.

In 2011 Zina joined the Batsheva Ensemble in Tel Aviv, Israel and later was invited to join Batsheva Dance Company in 2012-2018, where she trained in Gaga. She started teaching Gaga and Naharin’s repertoire in 2012 and has taught in Moscow, Tel Aviv, Japan, Poland and more. She became a certified yoga instructor in 2015 (Mysoru, India). Since her participation in the film The Tale of Love and Darkness (Natalie Portman, 2015) she acted in several commercials, short and feature films, most recently in Entebbe by Jose Padilha (2018).

Rahi combines his training and experience as a CA state-certified Somatic Sensuality Educator/S*xological Bodyworker, Certified TRE Provider, NeuroAffective Touch Practitioner, Life Coach with an M.A. in Spiritual Psychology, with certifications in Family Constellations Therapy, DeArmouring Arts, Chi Nei Tsang & Karsai Nei Tsang, and STREAM (Scar Tissue Remediation and Management) in his facilitation of Somatic Sensual Wholeness.

His varied background and experience in a variety of mind, body, and spirit modalities includes completing the Osho Advanced Therapy Training in Pune, India, Family Constellations Therapy with founder Bert Hellinger in Schladming, Austria, DeArmouring Arts Training with De’an Matuka, Sanna Sanita & Susanne Roursgaard at Angbacka, Sweden, Margot Anand’s Love and Ecstasy Tantra Training at Harbin Hot Springs, CA, and in-depth practices from the Zen, Vipassana, Osho, and Kundalini meditation traditions.

Bonus classes

Zina Zinchenko
on October 27th at 9am PT
Sheri Winston
on November 5th at 12noon PT
Devi Ward Erickson
on November 16th at 9am PT
Whitney Ullom
on November 25th at 11am PT
Rahi Chun
on December 4th at 9am PT

Live guided mapping sessions

Pelvic Mapping
with Kimberly Ann Johnson
on November 3rd

Take Back the Speculum
with Pam Samuelson
on November 19th at 9am PT

Sexuality Salon
with Kimberly Ann Johnson
on December 2nd at 5pm PT

(The Sexuality Salon is not recorded.)

Course Details:

Each week includes a live class, meditations, exercises, and discussion in our private Facebook forum.
Each month includes a Bonus Salon.
The course includes exclusive Women of Color classes and a unique Facebook group.

In this Course, you will:

Online Course Format:


October 17th – December 12th

Live Anchor Classes:
Tuesdays at 11 am PT | 2 pm ET

Women of Color Classes:
Thursdays at 10 am PT | 1 pm ET,
November 2nd, 16th, and 30th

This course is
for you if...

  • You know there’s something magical about intimacy, but you can’t seem to get there
  • You feel exhausted + worn down, lackluster about life
  • You’ve experimented with tantra or org*smic meditation but found yourself overriding deeper cues and are having a hard time finding your way back to your organic impulses
  • You want a real sensual education about your body and your responses
  • You’re at a point of transition: motherhood, menopause, or a breakup, and you want to know yourself again
  • You’re tired of the endless conversations about consent, because even though you know it’s a good thing, somehow these conversations seem to strip all the joy out of intimacy
  • You want to strip away the layers of shame wrapped around your body and your sensuality
  • You feel rearranged sensually since becoming a mother
  • You feel confused about how to communicate what you desire, and often feel deeply disconnected during intimacy
  • You have a great life and a great partner—and a lame intimate life

Start your
Jaguar journey
with this free class

Sensual Seasons:
Connect to Your Sensual Flow
Through the Stages of Womanhood


This course has completely changed my relationship and perspective to my body.

"I wasn’t even aware of the parts of myself that I felt inadequate about until really learning about basic anatomy and function of female organs. My first reaction is gratitude and awe. My second was: why is this not standardized and taught to every human?

I feel so much more aware of my boundaries. How to really tune in to what my body is feeling and having WORDS to put around those feelings. I have been searching for these skills for a long time. It has made me feel strong. I am so grateful."

Let's unshame this sacred terrain!


Hear from
Jaguar Alumni...

Got questions?

Activate Your Inner Jaguar courses have to do with how we love, how we show up for relationships, how we parent, how we deal with money (or don’t deal with it), and how we do sex.

Experience the practices from Kimberly’s book Call of the Wild: How We Heal Trauma, Awaken Our Own Power, and Use it for Good through her LIVE  Jaguar courses.

Understanding YOUR nervous system can be one of the most powerful experiences and footholds you can ever gain.

If you have done years of therapy and/or coaching, but still find life to be exhausting, your relationships difficult, and sex mysterious, discovering your own nervous system patterns may be the missing link.

If you are a bodyworker, therapist, or healer, your ability to understand your own nervous system, as well as decode and allow someone to see their own activation patterns, will be a huge boon.

YOU can be a leader by investing in and devoting yourself to translating your own nervous system so no one else has to.

No problem at all.

We’ve had hundreds of women take this course, and very few were able to come to each live webinar (and some couldn’t attend any live, because of work and other commitments).

The videos in this course are meant to be watched sometime during the week—you’ll get a replay of each video within 24 hours of the live call.

You’ll receive information and experiential exercises in each video that you can work with all week. 

The classes will be 90 minutes long, and we’ll give you some experiential exercises and meditations to incorporate into your daily life during the week. All-in-all you’ll be spending about two hours on course material per week (plus whatever you fold into your daily interactions).

Jaguar courses are a prerequisite to higher level and in person trainings with Kimberly.

Have another question?

Should you have any additional questions, our support team are ready to assist.
Click here
to send an email.


Kimberly Ann Johnson

Author, S*xological Bodyworker, Somatic Experiencing practitioner, Structural Integration practitioner, postpartum advocate, retired yoga teacher and single mom. 

She specializes in helping women prepare for birth, recover from birth injuries and birth trauma, and heal from s*xual trauma. She is the author of The Fourth Trimester: A Postpartum Guide to Healing Your Body, Balancing Your Emotions and Restoring Your Vitality, (Shambhala, 2017) the feminist trauma guide Call of the Wild (HarperWave, 2021) and the audio training Reclaiming the Feminine: Embodied S*xuality as Spiritual Practice (SoundsTrue, 2023). She is the creator and host of S*x Birth Trauma, a podcast with over 850,000 unique downloads.

She has trained yoga teachers, bodyworkers and birth workers both nationally and internationally specializing in scar tissue remediation and women’s pelvic, gynecological, and sexual health.

She has ushered thousands of women into their full voices and sexual expression through her signature courses Activate Your Inner Jaguar, Forging a Feminine Path, and MotherCircle.


Whitney Ullom

Somatic Coach

Whitney Ullom is a sensuality, love, and relationship coach, trauma resolution practitioner, and Maiden to Mother guide. 
Working in the intersections of pleasure, creativity, and soul, Whitney supports women in feeling connected, and alive in their bodies, sensuality, and the unique expression of their divine gifts. 
She offers 1:1 coaching, facilitates deep group journeys, and holds retreats.


Emma Callaghan

Yoga & Mindfulness Instructor

Emma Callaghan has been teaching yoga and mindfulness practices for 18 years, but credits Somatic Experiencing and Kimberly’s Jaguar courses for helping her to unravel and heal racialized and inter-generational trauma. After multiple rounds of Jaguar, Emma has gained a thorough understanding of her own nervous system and has been helping others to understand theirs. Emma has been supporting the Jaguar movement for the last year by facilitating affiliate classes for women of color in the course. Emma is studying Somatic Trauma Therapies and is available to all Jaguar alumni for support and connection should anyone need it one-on-one.

Join Activate Your Inner Jaguar Now!


Copyright ©2023 All Rights Reserved